

golit generates literate-programming-style HTML documentation from a Go source file. It produces HTML with comments alongside your code. Comments are parsed through Markdown and code highlighted with Pygments.

golit is based on docco and shocco, two earlier programs in the same style.

This page is the result of running golit against its own source file.

package main

import (



golit takes exactly two arguments: the path to a Go source file and the title for the resulting HTML page. It writes the compiled HTML on stdout.

var usage = "usage: golit input.go title > output.html"



Panic on non-nil errors. We'll call this after error-returning functions.

func check(err error) {
    if err != nil {

We'll implement Markdown rendering and Pygments syntax highlighting by piping the source data through external programs. This is a general helper for handling both cases.

func pipe(bin string, arg []string, src string) string {
    cmd := exec.Command(bin, arg...)
    in, _ := cmd.StdinPipe()
    out, _ := cmd.StdoutPipe()
    bytes, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(out)
    err := cmd.Wait()
    return string(bytes)



Recognize doc lines, extract their comment prefixes.

var docsPat = regexp.MustCompile("^\\s*\\/\\/\\s")

Recognize header comment lines specially.

var headerPat = regexp.MustCompile("^\\s*\\/\\/\\s#+\\s")

We'll break the code into {docs, code} pairs, and then render those text segments before including them in the HTML doc.

type seg struct {
    docs, code, docsRendered, codeRendered string

func main() {  

Accept exactly 2 argument, the source path and page title.

    if len(os.Args) != 3 {
        fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, usage)
    sourcePath := os.Args[1]
    title := os.Args[2]

Ensure that we have markdown and pygmentize binaries, remember their paths.

    markdownPath, err := exec.LookPath("markdown")
    pygmentizePath, err := exec.LookPath("pygmentize")

Read the source file in, split into lines.

    srcBytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(sourcePath)
    lines := strings.Split(string(srcBytes), "\n")

Group lines into docs/code segments. There are two tricky aspects to this. First, we want to treat header comments specially so that they are always in their own segment and therefore never directly adjacent to any code. Second, we need to correctly start new segments on certain code/doc boundries but not on others. In order to handle this later aspect we'll refer to some state about the previous line and segment when deciding to handle the current one being processed.

    segs := []*seg{}
    segs = append(segs, &seg{code: "", docs: ""})
    lastSeen := ""
    for _, line := range lines {
        headerMatch := headerPat.MatchString(line)
        docsMatch := docsPat.MatchString(line)
        emptyMatch := line == ""
        lastSeg := segs[len(segs)-1]
        lastHeader := lastSeen == "header"
        lastDocs := lastSeen == "docs"
        newHeader := (lastSeen != "header") && lastSeg.docs != ""
        newDocs := (lastSeen != "docs") && lastSeg.docs != ""
        newCode := (lastSeen != "code") && lastSeg.code != ""  

Header line - strip out comment indicator and ensure a dedicated segment for the header, independent of potential surrounding docs. Note that here - as in the other cases below - we coalesced empty lines into the type of the previous line.

        if headerMatch || (emptyMatch && lastHeader) {
            trimmed := docsPat.ReplaceAllString(line, "")
            if newHeader {
                newSeg := seg{docs: trimmed, code: ""}
                segs = append(segs, &newSeg)
            } else {
                lastSeg.docs = lastSeg.docs + "\n" + trimmed
			lastSeen = "header"  

Docs line - strip out comment indicator.

        } else if docsMatch || (emptyMatch && lastDocs) {
            trimmed := docsPat.ReplaceAllString(line, "")
            if newDocs {
                newSeg := seg{docs: trimmed, code: ""}
                segs = append(segs, &newSeg)
            } else {
                lastSeg.docs = lastSeg.docs + "\n" + trimmed
            lastSeen = "docs"  

Code line - preserve all whitespace.

        } else {
            if newCode {
                newSeg := seg{docs: "", code: line}
                segs = append(segs, &newSeg)
            } else {
                lastSeg.code = lastSeg.code + "\n" + line
            lastSeen = "code"

Render docs via markdown and code via pygmentize in each segment, using our pipe helper.

    for _, seg := range segs {
        seg.docsRendered = pipe(markdownPath, []string{}, seg.docs)
        seg.codeRendered = pipe(pygmentizePath, []string{"-l", "go", "-f", "html"}, seg.code+"  ")



Print HTML header.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta http-eqiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">
    <link rel=stylesheet href="http://jashkenas.github.com/docco/resources/docco.css">
    <div id="container">
      <div id="background"></div>
      <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
            <td class=docs></td>
            <td class=code></td>
        <tbody>`, title)

Print HTML docs/code segments.

    for _, seg := range segs {
             <td class=docs>%s</td>
             <td class=code>%s</td>
           </tr>`, seg.docsRendered, seg.codeRendered)

Print HTML footer.
